OTseeker - Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence

Welcome to the OTseeker Content Alert System

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Please complete the following form to register for customised alerts to be sent to you when new content is added. These alerts will contain titles of citations newly added to the OTseeker database within the last update.

  • Complete parts 1-5 below, THEN click Send Form.
  • You will receive confirmation and any other necessary information via email.

Registrant Information: (required fields are indicated by *)
*Title (Mr, Ms, Dr, Prof, etc):
*First Name:
*Last Name:
* Organisation/University
(who you work or study with):

Please list your organisation name in full
* Suburb/County/Town:
*Email Address:
User Name and Password:
Please do not share this password with anyone else. (If you forget your user name and/or your password, there is a way for you to get it back.)
*User Name:
*Re-enter your Password: (for verification)
Current Password:
New Password:
Re-enter New Password:
Select topic areas you wish to receive alerts from:
Please make your choice of up to 5 topics from each of intervention AND diagnostic topics listed below. If you select more than 5 items from each topic then only the first 5 will be activated.

Topics are listed alphabetically under Intervention and Diagnostic headings.
Intervention topics:
(Select up to 5)

Diagnostic topics:
(Select up to 5)

Regular OTseeker updates

5. Send us the information:
Please read these statements before sending us your selection.
  • I accept that this free service may be supported by sponsorship.
  • I understand that my personal details will be kept confidential and will not be made available to third parties.
Click 'Submit' to send, or 'Clear' to start over.  

Note: When you click 'Submit' an email will be sent to the email address specified in section 1 above. The email will contain a link that you must click on to activate your registration. You will not receive any alerts until your registration is activated.

If you encounter difficulty during this process, please contact us .